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~CoD MW2 Recruitment~

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:14 pm
by eXg. Phenom
Hi, and welcome to the Extreme Gaming Clan.
We have two different Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 teams.

Team 1 - The Competitive Team
This team will be playing in very competitive leagues (CAL - CEVO) and will be practicing multiple times a week. This team contains the most skilled players who are willing and able to play A LOT.
Team 2 - The Casual Team
This team will be playing often, but less formal practice playing and less strategizing then the Comp. team. This team will be playing in a league as well (TWL or other)and members are required to attend league matches.

Team 1 Requirements in RED
Team 2 Requirements in BLUE
Team Requirements for both in GREEN

-Must be able to practice 2 to 3 times a week
-Must be able to practice 1 to 2 times a week
-Must have ventrillo in order to communicate (
-Must be able to go to ALL League Matches

As you can see, for either team, the requirements aren't too strenuous at all. But as we all know, spending a lot of time playing the game can be tough. This is the reason for making the Casual team. If you're a great player but don't have the team, then your more than welcome to play in the Casual team. It's not for "noobs", its for good players who don't have the time to be part of the more competitive team.

*NOTE* Skill is a secondary factor to Dependability and Respectability.
-If you have high skill, but cannot be a team player, you will not make it.
-If you have low skill, but can work together with a team, you can be accepted.

eXg will teach all recruits the skills and strategies of playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 in a Competitive League, though prior knowledge is recommended. :)

The current starting lineup is as follows:
eXg. Ersatz - Team Leader/Manager
eXg. Phenom - Team Captain/Strategizer
eXg. Jago vs. Fulgore
eXg. Camel
eXg. Ground Zero

All of these players have been eXg members for years and know just what it takes to be a starter on the CODMW2 team.
Talk to these players, become fluent with them, as they are going to be your teammates.

You can post your application form in this CODMW2 Forum.
Your app should look like this:

Name and Age: Steven Jacobs, 17

Gaming Handle: Phenom

Team to try our for (Competitive or Casual): Competitive

Experience: 1 Season CAL-O

Where did you hear about eXg: Playing in eXg servers

Reason to Join eXg: It's the best.

Xfire account name: PhenomPheonix

From Team eXg,
Thankyou to all applicants, hopefully all of you are added to the eXg Family.
We look forward to another great season of Competitive Gaming, and another great season of recruitment.
Have questions or comments? Talk to me on Xfire, PhenomPheonix.