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**TUTORIAL** Custom Textures In Quake 4 (Complete!)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:26 pm
by eXg. CrUsH
Ok this is my first tutorial so bear with me ;) We are going to be making a couple custom textures for quake

4. All of which I am writing will also transfer over fine for doom III. The game engines are the same and the

mapping portion is very simular.

We are going to start by making a couple extra folders in your Q4base folder. We will be creating a "textures"

and "materials" folder. Make sure you dont have anything capitalized as Quake is very pickey! Here is what it

should look like:


Ok now that we have that out of the way we are going to go into our "textures" folder and create another

folder called "walls" You can name this folder anything you want but its better to keep everything organized

and name it somthing that it will contain. For instance if I also wanted to add some floor textures I might

have another folder in "textures" called "floors". This keeps everything organized in the editor so you can

find your textures quick. But if you dont have hundreds of custom textures then you could just make one folder

as we are going to do today, and usually I just name the folder the name of the map im making. Ok, so now we

have created a folder called "walls" it should look like this:


Ok, now that we have our folder structure out of the way we need to get our texture that we are going to use.

This first one I got from its a very nice brick texture that is going to look great when

we make the bumpmap for it.


Save this file somwhere on your desktop. we are going to open this in Adobe Photoshop CS2. If you dont have

that its ok, you will just have to follow along the best you can ;) Ok, so open our brick texture in

photoshop. The textures size is 700x466 which is fine. When making textures you have to make sure its of a

power of 2. If you have an odd number for the image size its not going to work correctly. So first we are

going to make what is called our "diffuse map" all that is is your basic texture that will show in the game.

This texture is actually fine how it is so what we are going to do is save it in our "walls" folder inside our

"textures" folder. We are going to save it as "brick_d" the "_d" at the end of the name tells the game engine

its our diffuse texture. We will be saving the texture as a "targa" image of "24bits", Here are a couple pics

to show you.


Ok, now that we have our "diffuse map" we need to make a couple other textures. We are going to make the

"editor image" (The image you will see in the editor) and the "bumpmap" (Its going to add some depth to the

bricks to make them look more realistic)

First we are going to make the editor image. The editor image is a visual referance of the texture within the

editor. So with that said it really doesnt need to be that big. So open the brick pic that we opened to make

the diffuse texture. We are going to do two things to it. We are going to resize it and then save it. So lets

start out by resizing it. I will be resizing it to 100x67 pixels. This will save space and you will still be

able to see it in the editor. Now we are going to save this one exactly the same folder we did last time but

we are going to name it differnt. We will save it as "brick_ed".

So now you should have two tga's in your "walls" folder like this.


Ok now its the easy part! We are going to make the "bumpmap" which is going to look great with these bricks.

First I would like you to download this program from ATI which is a great time saver.

Ok extract all the files into a folder named "bumpmap" on your desktop. We are going to use this to make the

bumpmap for our brick wall.

Ok now we are going to double click on "TGAtoDOT3.exe" this will bring up a box where we can pic the texture

we are going to make a bumpmap. Find your way over to the "walls" folder and pick the "brick_d.tga" file, then

click open. When you do that it will automatically make the bump map.



Now click cancel and go to your "walls" folder. YOu will see that the program named the file "brick_dDOT3.tga"

that is not what we want. We need to rename it to "brick_local.tga" Now your "walls" folder should look like



Ok now that we have that out of the way we are goin to make the "material file" this tells the game where the

textures are and what file it should use as the Diffuse, specular, editor image, and bumpmap. In this first

tutorial with the bricks we will not be creating a specular map because that wouldnt look right. So now your

thinking "well what texture would look good with a specular map?" Metal would be a good choice because a

specular map actually reflects light. Bricks really dont reflect light and thats why we are going to skip

that. I will show how to make a specular map in my next tutorial.

Ok so go to your "materials" folder. We are going to make a new text document and call it "" Make

sure you have "Hide extentions for known file types" unchecked.



Now that we have that done when we double click on it windows will not know what to use to open it, we are

going to select a program from a list. Then open it using "notepad". Here is what the material file should

look like inside, after you put this information in save it.


Here is what that folder should look like now.


Ok, your all set! Close all your open folders and open The editor up. You should see your texture here:


And heres an in game shot!



If you have any questions or comments about this tutorial let me know. It cant be perfect cause its my first

one haha. Happy Mapping!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:29 pm
by 70x7
that is the best tutoreal in like teh forever.

You are the 1337 super Uber Pro mapping exper texture customator!

here is a translation for the people who aren't good at english. (partial)


That its approval, you only along the best you will have to follow, therewith openly our brick stone tissue in ability agreeing

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:50 am
by Chrysus
damn crush - you da man

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:45 am
by eXg. Pun1sher
Wow, very impressed, as usual. This is becoming a habbit C.


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:55 am
by eXg. CrUsH
Thanks guys, I learned enought about custom textures that I thought it was time to start helping out some of the other guys. I know knox will be using this and hopfully sombody else will too.

Knox when you go through this let me know if there are any errors. After 3 hours of taking screen shots and having Im's from fanny comming in who knows..... :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:08 am
by XvileX
Very excellent. Now that I'm not working, maybe I should look into mapping......

It sounds like a fun idea.... hrm...

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:10 am
by eXg. Johnny
Verry nice........ havent red it yet, but i will ofcourse! Now then some requests :D

A Good explained elevator and teleporter tutorial for doom 3 please :D

Make sure you explain about the entity fill in... with grid hight and stuff :D

Also........ sound creation on elevator and teleporter:D

ow can you put in custom souds in a map? :P

Cuz i want 2 make like a soort of server/computer somewhere in the map, displaying the website of exg and the forum, but it would be cool if i can add the sound that you hear on the website of exg :D so if you stand there.......... you hear the Tu tu tu tututut tutut utututut t t sound :D

Please that is what i need :D

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:13 am
by general icon
1337 amazing crush

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:33 am
by eXg. Mr. Pistol
Omg Crush.....I lOve U man.....haha seriously :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:44 am
by hadriel
1337 tutorial crush, and those bricks look badass nice! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:24 pm
by eXg. CrUsH
Pun: Is that a bad thing? Haha. I'm wayyy too creative for my own good, I need to stop making up things to do!

Hit and 70x7: I try! :)

XvileX: Whenever you are ready for it man! I can direct you in the right places to become 1337++++!

Knox: Haha lets take it one day at a time, this took me 3 hours to make this one and its somthing an experianced person can do in 5 mins so its def time consuming. Maybee the teleporter one next, that ones pretty easy.

General: Thanks man 8)

Pistol: Hey now, dont get mushy on me killa haha. :wink:

Matt: Thank you. I knew that the bumpmapping in those would really stand out with the proper lighting.

Oh and motion, I put the grass in there for you! To remind you of your Grafiti days :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:36 pm
by ParadoX
see thats quick and simple...notice how in the bottom of most of those it has the blinking fanny may convo on xfire...that was when i was pissen him the f**k off cause he kept makin me read tutorials which i hate lol...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:29 am
by eXg. CrUsH
{FaNnY}MaY wrote:see thats quick and simple...notice how in the bottom of most of those it has the blinking fanny may convo on xfire...that was when i was pissen him the f**k off cause he kept makin me read tutorials which i hate lol...

Yeah thanks allot! My blood pressure was uber high those three hours.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:13 am
by eXg. Frag///aster
aight man... now I"m into it..... I will try and hit you up dude on Vent or somthing cause I wanna learnn... you gave me the mapping bug.... heh./.. I have cool uber Ideas... I Wanna make a super Soccer stadium..


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:47 pm
by eXg. CrUsH
Thats what im here for...... To inspire!