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Doom3 Official eXg Server

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:15 pm
by eXg. TrueGift
To whoever may be interested and in the neighborhood, feel free to drop by the new Team eXg Doom 3 server hosted in I believe EST NY.

Anyone who may have some information to set up auto map downloads would be much appreciated so we can expand some of what we have available, it has been a while since I've worked with some of these commands.

Thanks in advance, and enjoy to all who may still pop through!


EDIT: 04-18 2020

Since the Doom3 master server list is down, for everyone bored in quarantine looking to get in some games, the connection info is listed below to manually connect via console (still working)

Name: Team eXg. | Come Get Some!
Connection Info:

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:15 am
by eXg. Frag///aster
Have been on there a bit to play some games.. See you there and on Discord

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:26 pm
by eXg. ShooteR
Just dropped in the server for the first time (the master server was down so I couldn't browse). I'm not certain about commands either but I'm down to play a few tourneys if anyone else is.

Also, we should try getting Never outgunned and Aerowalk uploaded as well, great tourney maps

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:07 pm
by eXg. TrueGift
I'd still be down to try get a few games in, master list is back up now thankfully! Also, those maps have now been added : )

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:07 am
by eXg. Pun1sher
SUHWHEET. I gotta try to fix my D3 on my W10 setup, as they are currently NOT playing nicey nice.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:12 pm
by eXg. TrueGift
Still gaming PuN? What are you on most these days to chat/game with? (i.e., Steam/battlenet/discord etc)

I currently run my original Doom 3 from my win10 setup maybe I could be of some assistance if there's any difficulty, otherwise, some Doom games to catch up are much needed!

P.S. Have you heard of the new F2P that just completed closed-beta and released in early June named Valorant? Seems to have the competitive feel of counter strike, but a little faster paced with some new abilities, lower recoil that still requires some skill + reflex, and an overall better anti cheat system. I recommend it, and if you're ever looking to get introduced from a group, there's a few of us who are starting to hop in quite regularly now who'd be happy to have you in along with any one else who may be interested!