Doom 3 Tourney at qcon 06 ? Post here!

Doom3, Doom4, ROE, LMS, EMZ

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Post by Murda1 »

i say u make a throwback map to one of the old dooms a doom2 map or something a version 2 of one of them.....would be cool.
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eXg. CrUsH
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

Murda1 wrote:i say u make a throwback map to one of the old dooms a doom2 map or something a version 2 of one of them.....would be cool.

I'm pretty durnk right now ut i dont under stna d wor you aresaying. Waht?

exg. ninjatalksho

Post by exg. ninjatalksho »

On a more serious note here...

I'd like to play Doom3 on a semi-competitive level again as well. D3 isn't the most balanced game ever, but it's a game that actually rewards skill with frags (unlike Quake 4...).

The game still has some vagaries as a competitive game though. What maps are acceptable for one? I don't think DM3\DM5 were good competition maps, mainly because of the invisibility power-up. It's a power-up that only offers anything on defensive-side and just slows the game down for 30 seconds, therefore creating a semi-boring spectator experience. I'd like to see the following maps in a map-pool I suppose:

-Swelt1 (Phrantic)
-Swelt2 (Never Outgunned)

Another thing to note is that most of the competitive community is gone...I doubt you'll be seeing high caliper players like Clamp/Thump4/etcetera coming back to play. Well really, the community as a whole is small, but I think a decent turnout (let's say 128 entries) could be pulled off with some promotion of the tournament and EMZ mod. One thing I'd like to see personally, is an online preparation tournament of sorts.

That's all I have to say, for now atleast.
I kinda disagree, Doom 3 is almost completly balanced imo. The skill level ceiling has been reached however. There is only so much a person can do in a match that is original anymore, everyone basically runs the exact same item collection paths, spamming the exact same areas. This isn't such a bad thing though, because it makes the games really close. Clamp...pfft w/e. Also Phrantic II and Never Outgunned are f*****g terrible maps imo. Aerowalk would be great in addition to all of the old maps. At Quakecon last year, all of the top players were willing to play any of the maps, some players favored some maps more than others (ie. Thump4 choosing DM5 against x6-Jebus) so that would lead me to believe they were all acceptable for play, ESPECIALLY DM3, by far the most popular map; everyone was willing to play DM3. If Qcon has a D3 tourny I will go, if not I won't go, hopefully a lot of other players are the same and we can convince them to have another D3 tourny.
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Post by motionOne »

Wow, don't even know where to start here...

Ok. As far as maps are concerned, Edge is the most balanced in the game. Every weapon can be utilized in different, opportune situations. Armors are placed far apart enough, where the only way they can be controlled is if the margin of skill between the players is large. I personally prefer playing w/out zerk, but it does add an element of chaos/question to the match.
As much as no one would like to admit it, the game is dead.

- I have class, i'm gonna continue this post when I get back.
exg. ninjatalksho

Post by exg. ninjatalksho »

If Qcon offers $$$, I would say Doom 3 isn't dead. If they don't, I couldn't agree more; dead as a doornail. <--That sounds correct, but it sure does read stupid :) Also, Edge is the easiest map to spawn kill on imo, because its almost impossible to hit someone with a nade in those large corridors. At least in DM5, DM3 and DM2 nades are very effective. In other words, I would rather die first on Frag than on Edge. Lights Out is the most unbalanced imo, but because you have to go so carefully through dark narrow hallways comebacks are still very possible.
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Post by BobMarley! »

Interesting points. Ninja, I agree with your point about Doom three. I believe that it isn't dead yet, but very well could be if id isn't careful. And I don't think that them letting this die so easily says anything favorable about id. I know that would be enough for me not to stay an id devotee. Epic gaining their ground in my book!

I really dig the Frag Chamber... Edge still rocks, lights out is fun for play, but def. not for competion. Still love Never Outgunned.. Phrantic :roll:
They should just add lava to that whole stage and make it "Better"...
JK! Have fun! :wink:

Post by Ruiner »

Also Phrantic II and Never Outgunned are f*****g terrible maps imo.
Damn straight they are, I hate swelt maps.
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Post by ReNth »

If qcon 06' has a doom 3 tourney im there! dm5 can toss my salad!!
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

ReNth wrote:If qcon 06' has a doom 3 tourney im there! dm5 can toss my salad!!

Haha house or ceasar?

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