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Post by td »

Been reading the fear-mongering sites eh?

Although, I bet by 2025 the Polar Ice Caps will melt and that the events in The Day After Tomorrow are somewhat truthful.
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Post by BobMarley! »

No no no... Time of change is upon us. We all feel it. We all know that something big is going to go down. Some strange shite to think about....

-Isn't it ironic that when Bush needs the publics opinion on his new bills,
Bin Laden magically appears?

-Isn't it funny that the inquiries to the 9/11 commission (the real ones) where never answered? That tower 7 just magically fell? That the feds where on site in minutes but we had no air support for the second plane?
I'm not saying Bush did it, although some may argue, but I do truly believe that there is WAY more to this than meets the eye.

-What ever happened to Al Qaeda and Anthrax? Remember how they told us to TAPE our windows with plastic bags so the anthrax won't get in!?
I'm sure anyone with a slight knowledge with chemicals knows that this is the greatest pile of horse s**t ever. But again, fear, and the so called "protection" from fear to go along with the flow...

-And now Iran. This Cartoon is going to bring us to the brink of war, and the Bushites know this... they are using fear to bring more control to the ultimate goal of complete surveillance. Over a cartoon. Even the Muslim population doesn't know what he (Mohammed) looks like, so what's the big deal? Oh, I remember what the deal was, drawing Cartoons about the holocaust makes this wrong a right... And the US, says nothing.

-And with the Global Warming, Chicken Flu, and Corrupt Governments all around the world we are heading to our own demise... IF we let it.

Remember there are MANY more of us than them. They NEED us more than we need them. We the people ultimately hold the power. We all control our own destinies. Stop watching brain numbing TV, stop watching CNN and BBC. Don't buy into radical ideas. Most would say that the aforementioned is extreme but go back an reread on the net and follow your politicians stories... See how they change due to need and necessity. It's frightening, to see but the good part is that truth will be revealed to us in due time! :P
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Post by K1LLA:4:H1RE »

we are all going to die sooner or later... the question is how painfull will it be and will s**t spooge out of our asses when we die...????
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Post by BugZz »

in 9/11 the plane blew up for it hit...IMO from what i did hear both towers had bombs place in them bush did know it about b/c him and bin landen had it plan like he said election tpe he made btw how it get hire bush ''family help that out'' just like they help him cheat the votes anit that a $#@*&# shame?
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Post by MaryJayne! »


I like reading the infowars sites too...

Great post... and for those who doubt that something of this magnitude could occur, I beg you to open your mind atleast to the possibility. It is amazing the rate at which the government is attempting to take absolute power. We can hope that this is a mere conspiracy theory baised on minimal facts, but let's not discount this on account of "they can't do that". We need not ignore these very real warnings.

Wow... :(

Post by Ruiner »

If you want to open your third eye and seek knowledge that breaks down life as it is today... would be the place, through art.

He's a living legend, I'd strongly recommend buying his WorldSpirit DVD.
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Post by eXg. sabooya »

I think its stupid that the government will have control over the internet. 1 group of people should not have control over it. The people should have control. This is almost as bad as having a FBI adgent sitting next to you while you own noobs! You have no freewill. You do something the Gov. dont like they Hack ur ass. I think that sucks major.
We should be able to choose what we want. Now I wouldnt mind the spam stopping, but i get like maybe 1 thing of spam a week.
Noobs who give their email to every site they go to and are check box happy, deserve to get Spam.
The internet used to be free, im not so sure about it anymore.

(and what about the internets main function! Yah you know what i mean :P )
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Post by m1nd »

tardyd wrote:Been reading the fear-mongering sites eh?

Although, I bet by 2025 the Polar Ice Caps will melt and that the events in The Day After Tomorrow are somewhat truthful.
i hope not cuz i live in The Netherland and our SeaBorders wont hold then and we will all flood.... :!: :x

And sure we all gonna die ,but why are u thinking about that now..... you got a full life ahead of ya who knows what happens


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