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eXg. Fragmaster ;) What is up eXg. ???

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:37 pm
by eXg. Frag///aster
Hey everyone.. it has been a very long time..

I have been keeping up with my gaming however, obviously under the name p1nghax and I have been playing only duel, or FFA Quake live. :)

Mostly, just for fun, and not tournaments...

I have taken on a job as the Assistant GM of a Semi-pro / Professional soccer team in the U.S. and also run things as their Director of Coaching, and player development. So in a nutshell I am busy as crap!

I also have signed a contract to play for them for 1 year, and after this season I have played average minutes and have the most assists on the team, so all is well on the playing front.

Meanwhile, in RL I have been thinking of a few things. 1. I have access to a space which is pretty big, which I also work out of, and have the ability to host medium size lan parties.

We book this space for B-day parties etc.. and honestly, people just don't book too many at all. So, I am reaching out to everyone that is in the Vermont / Canada area, that would be interested in getting a game in?

If you know of anyone, or know of places I would be able to find people interested in getting games in please let me know as I am looking to set up some lans up here in the near future. It would work two fold. I can get this space rented, and provide everyone a kick ass place to have a lan.

Thats it for now.. ;) hit me up on some quake live sometime...

look for "p1nghax"


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:27 pm
by eXg. sabooya
YOURE ALIVE!? Play quake live w me tonight.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:40 pm
by eXg. Pun1sher
Frag, you got me thinking, what the hell did we do with those photos from the LAN you and I went to in NJ ?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:30 pm
by eXg. Missy
hey man long time no talk whats good

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:54 pm
by eXg. Frag///aster
I believe I still have those on my desktop that is in pieces...

Oh and btw.. an update on the desktop and laptop.

The desktop..

CPU had bent pins.. motherboard Northbridge chip was burned straight through the board. So solution was to order another board, and CPU right.. Well....

Due to "You are correct" Supply and demand, CPU's for that dang thing are at leasat $300, kinda steep considering I can get something cheaper 3 x faster. eh.. So, I ordered a board anyways, cause I found one cheap..

Learned a you get what you pay for lessons, as the board looked fine, and yet it had condensation on the back of the CPU plate that bolts to the back of the board. Which is another scratch your head moment.

So, lastly, it looks as if I am going to be able to keep all the damaged parts.. maybe in the future we can fixy.. and in mean time upgrade MOBO, Ram, to newer Asus, yet not brand spanking new that the computer guy just happened to have in his shop, for the same $$ as it would cost me to go and get a proc for the An8sli deluxe 939 socketed board.


Now, Laptop.

First off.. I love alienware...

Second, why does Dell / Alienware put Nvidia parts into a machine. Then turn around and say "Hey.. I have an idea.. Nvidia, you don't need to make drivers for the cards that go into our laptops. We want to do it ourself. But yet, still call everything Nvidia to confuse consumors.

Basically the Graphics cards that are in the alienware laptop are Nvidia cards. However, you cannot install latest Nvidia drivers for those cards, because Alienware / Dell has made that impossible.

Instead you have to do this through Alienware. Which btw, the latest drivers are from 2010. or so... Why they have decided to do this, I have no idea. And, its is made confusing as when I look at the Nvidia control panel, and it tells me I need to update my drivers, I sit and scratch my head.

So solution. Roll back the drivers to previous Alienware drivers and all is well in the world, as long as you don't want to play any of the latest games that are out.. AKA Battlefield 3, Rage etc.. because the latest drivers that have fixes so you don't have FPS lag and crawl at 15 fps, aren't out yet for the machine you are using.

Weird I tell you weird..

But at least we know and knowing is half the battle.



Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:45 pm
by eXg. Pun1sher
Frag I couldn't believe when I talked to you that the chip had burned through, and somehow was booting, miracle. I believe the chipset fan died, and the chip finally toasted.

As far as the drivers, over the years, I've started to stay BACK a click or two, and let the suckers run the NEW drivers, until the bugs are worked out.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:41 am
by eXg. Frag///aster
I got a real issue now.. and I have no fixy.. not only that, but also.. big surprise Dell or Alienware have no fixy either..

Have to jump on skype and chat with you about it. It's really a funky thing going on.. I can explain in full detail what I have tried, and short of full alien respawn which I am trying to stay away from, nothing seems to work..
