AGP Tour Vote.. I need your help guys..

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eXg. Frag///aster
Quake 4 US
Posts: 2101
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:43 am

AGP Tour Vote.. I need your help guys..

Post by eXg. Frag///aster »

First thing is first.. if you want to be a part of the next high level as well as fun competitive environment meant for Quake... check out the AGP tour.

Also while you are signing up and doing that. You are going to want to vote up. The first AGP Community Vote is up: Should the AGP Tour be free of charge to everyone? Please go and vote as part of the community.

Now for those of you that don't know what the AGP Tour is.. think back about the CPL world tour, or the WSVG tour... Okay there is the pro side of that.. PLUS..... the competitive side where you can compete like a ggl ladder type system against your friends and clanmates. Either way you would have access to countless tournaments all throughout the year. So it would be a 1 time fee per year. Something like $30 for a year.

Honestly after trying to stay clued in to 20 different sites just to see when the next tournament is.. has become a pain in the butt and this puts it all together right in one package.. not to mention.. streaming games, and demos.. configs.. everything right there.

So for me.. I voted both.. fee and no fee. essentially I agree with the fee.. in fact I was the first ever person to sign up for the AGP tour!!!!!! So there you have it. Get your butts over there.. sign up.. play to win.. vote up your comments..

or go

p1ng, aka Frag
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