Documents Leak NVIDIA's Quantum Physics Engine

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Documents Leak NVIDIA's Quantum Physics Engine

Post by K1LLA:4:H1RE »

Told you guys so..... believe now???

With the release of the G80, NVIDIA will also release a new engine dubbed Quantum physics engine. Quantum Effects Technology is similar (at least in spirit) to NVIDIA's PureVideo Technology -- a dedicated layer on the GPU for physics calculations. A few documents alluding to this new engine appeared on public FTP mirrors late last week.

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Post by BobMarley! »

I think that it's a great piece of technology but the "Quantum" part needs to go. What's next, String Theory Anti-Aliasing?! Ugh, all these companies are trying to beef up their features by using popular scientific words is funny.

BTW, what price point you think this GPU will go for? 16XAA?! WTF!! + HDR WTFIZUK! :) and on one GPU!
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eXg. focus
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Post by eXg. focus »

I'm holding out until I get the Agiea Physx card. I'm running ok in the meantime.
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Post by BugZz »

peace. wrote:I'm holding out until I get the Agiea Physx card. I'm running ok in the meantime.
dont get it i had go through 3 of those cards blew out my mother broad and my gpu. i had to replace that crap. they need to rly test those cards before they even think about it releasing the playstation 3. not only that but do a google search on ageia physix sucks. you'll prolly seee over 10 pages on how bad it is Plus it would be cheaper just to two SLI on geforce 8800 series. thats ALOT more power. trust me dont buy that shite thing.
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eXg. sabooya
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Post by eXg. sabooya »

I actually think Physics cards WILL be good to have. Currently though the technology is too new and not enough games support it to justify buying one. $200 is alot for something that works with <5% of all games out there. One day though adter dx10 is out, Nvidia and ATI will work on Phys engines to be intigraded into their GPUs. This would be a smart move for them, and would justify a $300-$400 card.
Physics are becoming the new thing everyone is looking at. We want bendable trees/leaves, releastic effects, detailed clothing (rather thaan laced on a body) and as seen in 360, we like sweat in games now....
A GPU can only do so much.
so for now ill stick with my X800GTO mid settings card, and think about upgradeing to a 7900GTO 8)
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