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Halo 3 Adds birds

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:01 am
by Detrimentalsysmd
yes birds!

taken from the Bungie website:

"But on a more literal scale, one of our contract 3D artists is working on birds. So far I’ve seen seagulls and what appears to be some kind of cockatoo. Both kinds flock, wheel and fly in very large numbers. Who knows what those numbers will grow or dwindle to in the final cut, but right now the demo was about 50 seagulls wheeling and cawing above a cliff top, and looking remarkably like Discovery channel footage of an otherwise boring scene.

Perhaps more importantly, the seagulls and cockatoos can (at the moment anyway) be shot. They will then fall, individually out of the sky and you can go take a look at how detailed they are. Believe me, we’re not wasting any processor cycles on this stuff, so if it causes a hit, out it goes, but hopefully they’ll be there. There are at least two keen hunters on staff who want to go grousing in Halo 3.

Full story here: ... &cid=12310

This is nuts. Bungie keeps saying that they play test the hell outa this game. So it seems to me they feel its so well polished ( pre public beta even) that they spend time working on the BIRDS! God I can only hope that they got the game play down as good as the visuals. Cant wait for the beta :D