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HD issues (Yes pun I know its a time bomb) xD

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:35 pm
by eXg.Ground Zero
What up eXg?????? As you all know iv got a really f'ed hard drive thats makin some crazy sounds xD. Yes pun we know that thing is a ticking time bomb :lol:

ATM I have a Western Digital Caviar SE hard

Tech Specs:

Model/No. WD4000AAJS-22YFAO

RPM - 7200

Cache - 16 MB

Size - 400 GIG

Suspected Problem: Bad media headers????

OK so heres whats going on. When I boot up my computer the hard drive makes a single louds beep. Once turned on it makes a groaning sounds like an older hard drive would I monitor the HD activity light and it is constantly solid red even on Idle. The biggest problem I have been having with it recently is the hard drive would lock up and my OS would basically stop working/responding no blue screen or anything it just stooped. So whatever I was working on at the time basically got erased because this hard drive is being idiotic. So my question to you guys is :

What do you think the problem is and how can I fix or temporally fix it?

Here are some solutions that I have tried.

- Static Purge.

- Western Digital Lifeguard™

- De fragmentation (In progress)

any help you could provide would be awesome!

Note: I will see if I can upload some audio files so you can hear the sounds for your self.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:01 am
by eXg.Ground Zero
audio file ... ounds+.wma

you will hear some click its me opening programs with my mouse

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:16 pm
by eXg. sabooya
run some warm water over it, that'll fix it :D

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:18 pm
by eXg. sabooya
try disconnecting it and reconnecting every cable. otherwise, i have a feeling your in need of a new hd :(

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:04 pm
by eXg.Ground Zero
eXg. sabooya wrote:try disconnecting it and reconnecting every cable. otherwise, i have a feeling your in need of a new hd :(
Man, I'd love to but my case is like wire city. I have the cooler master 922 and its a pain in the ass to hock up lol. I pretty much fixed the slow drive isssues donno about the noise. I'll have to run her to the ground.

the wd lifeguard said there was no internal damage so I think im good.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:45 am
by eXg. Pheon1x
Ground Zero wrote:
eXg. sabooya wrote:try disconnecting it and reconnecting every cable. otherwise, i have a feeling your in need of a new hd :(
Man, I'd love to but my case is like wire city. I have the cooler master 922 and its a pain in the ass to hock up lol. I pretty much fixed the slow drive isssues donno about the noise. I'll have to run her to the ground.

the wd lifeguard said there was no internal damage so I think im good.

Lol details Do it anyway.. make sure that the hookups are connected correctly.. and make sure that all the other cords are set up correctly as well.. =D just reseat all the connections

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:18 pm
by eXg. Pun1sher
You know the deal here man, so start looking at the SOLUTION, not a desperate patch job (at best).

No amount of software is going to patch or fix a hardware problem. You are actually one of the LUCKY ONES, because you ARE being given WARNING SIGNS. Whenever you are talking about a HD, and the symptoms include noises, that ain't good. As the bearings/spindle wear out, the drive will start to spin out of round, you can contact (physical contact) between your read/write heads and the platters, cause surface defects, and WORSE, increased heat, as the bearings fail, causing the motor to work harder and harder to spin it up.

I appreciate the suggestions mentioned above, but GZ, you're solution is a new drive bro, only way to do it. Every day you continue with your current one, means you are testing fate.

I would STRONGLY suggest not wasting time degraging, cabling, or any other software fixes, and IMMEDIATELY back up everything you can't afford to loose.

When I heard the noise it was making (a while ago), I almost fell out of my chair. I'm surprised it's still spinning.